On Saturday, I went with some friends to Messob Ethiopian Restaurant in none other than Little Ethiopia. I was disappointed I didn't take a photo of the HUGE platter of food we shared but the restaurant's site explains our experience much better than I could so check it out if your interested. It was really cool to try something different. Everything was really good, the wine, the coffee, the food, the company. Carrie is my official Africa source and I am always intrigued by all her stories of growing up in Kenya.
Though I don't think Brent would have been digging the cuisine, he would have liked the experience and hanging with friends. I think I am as ready as he is for him to be done with school. He is way too stressed. Sometimes I think he might explode. Just a few more weeks.
The onset of Lent last Wednesday has brought about a much needed TV sabbatical. The limit is two hours per week. Last night became a big cheat night though, the Oscars sucked me in. It really wasn't worth it either. The shadow people were the best part.
I second the shadow people!
I feel honored to be considered your "Africa source". While I can claim no true expertise on all things African, I do love to share stories! Messob was good times and we'll have to find an Ethi restaurant near your new digs and we'll come visit and go out again!
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