Ultimately, there's not enough time to squeeze in all the Cali adventures we had wanted but we'll do what we can. Brent's been so busy with school that I'll be hard pressed to tear him away until the quarter is over at the end of March. Even the lure of Disneyland is not tempting enough for him but thankfully about everyone we know out here with kids has a pass. That means a big Disney party with or without the study monster. Sorry, Brent.
So, I started spreading the word to a few of my co-workers and vanpoolers that I'll probably quit by the end of the month. I would like as much time as possible to study, pack, have fun, etc. Luckily, Brent's last day of school is Mar 16 and he'll be off for a week before the next quarter begins. This means he'll accompany me on the road trip back to OKC with a few day diversion to KC before class starts. Brent will (in all likelyhood) come back here to complete one more quarter at Fuller. Since there won't be much going on in OKC for him, the best option is to continue with schooling. I'm sure practicality will prove lonely. Two months is a long while.
We're really looking forward to being with KC family and close friends again.
Happy Valentines!
congratulations! i know you are relieved - good luck with all the details.
I am happy for two reasons...no, make that three...
#1 a new blog, finally!
#2 your move is happening SO much sooner than I was expecting
#3 we will actually get to see Brent soon AND it will be BETWEEN quarters : )
What a difference a couple of days makes, huh? Oooo, I am excited. cjk
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm sure it is a huge relief to finally know what's next. You'll be sorely missed, but it just means 2 things. #1-We have a lot of Cali adventures to cram in. #2-We'll have to come visit you. Nice to know our flight will be guided in by a very capable mind when we come visit!
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