I was happy to spend Christmas here in Cali with our fam. The highlight was going to look at lights on Christmas day at Long Beach on a dingy with Dave and Patti. It was a memorable way to see the lights. The boats and houses in that area were beautiful.
I was then off the Wed after X-Mas to see the immediate family and good friends in KC. Of course there was plenty of good times. I was sad Brent wasn't there to share in the fun. Christie and later Eddie stopped in for a few days. The Ted's was an added bonus even if the cheese sauce didn't last as long as expected. Oh, how I miss Tex Mex. Catie and Robbie set aside lots of time to hang which I was glad for. Oh, how I miss hanging out with our closest of friends. I hope all you guys can make it out here before we're outta here. And of course, seeing how much Emma has changed in just a matter of a few months is amazing. She is increasingly interactive, can walk, is always happy to see you, and has a small vocabulary. I enjoyed being able to spend so much time with her and to help out Laura and Jeremy for a little while.

No new word on ATC status. I was disappointed I wasn't able to contact the tower in KC for a visit while I was there. Maybe I'll have to make a special trip back out there just to do that, hmmm. I was glad to hear that some of the references in my background check had received paperwork from the FAA. I'm glad for the little reminders that things are moving along.
From a recent conversation about things feared comes this story:
New York Subway Hero
No mention about the old parents in KC.
The old folks always get the shaft. What a jerk I am.
Emma has that index finger out and ready to point. Yeah, the Wis is back.
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