Warning: Whining, Bitching, and other Unpleasantries about to occur.
Up to this point, I have enjoyed Cali with minimal irritations (excessive violence, trash, cost, etc.) But this summer has got to be one of the worst I’ve endured. That is pretty sad considering I come from a place where summer consists of such high heat and humidity that most outdoor activities are avoided. What makes it so bad here you ask? Most folks don’t own or properly use this widespread invention that brings comfort when it gets really hot. It’s called A/C. Not swamp coolers, not fans, not even window units (which doesn’t count as a/c but is superior to the former). We have a dreaded swamp cooler and it’s crap.
To illustrate, the swamp cooler is on high as are the fans:
Current Covina time: 12:36AM
Current Covina Temp: 82F
Current Temp in our duplex: 77.4F
Seriously, what the hell? I think I am in hell. Yes, I realize I’m spoiled. I’ll consider this a lesson learned; central heat and air will be essential elements to any other place we move to around here. I really would like to know why people around here like to sweat it out and just put up with the heat. It seems so anti-SoCal. Weirdos. The sad thing is that even if people actually used cool air like they’re supposed to no one would have power. Ok, I’m done with my rant. Time for sticky sweat sleep.
I know I’m lame for griping more about being hot than excessive violence or trash.
Song of the Day:
I really like what is posited.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
I Know You, I Saw You On My TV

Wow, this last week flew by. The family left on a jet plane this morning and I miss them already. We had a lot of good times hanging out, trekking around So Cal. Three trips to the beach was not enough. I’ve had enough of the valley heat and summer has hardly started. I’m sad I did not get to hang out with my mom more but I spent lots of time with my sis (Laura) and my niece (Emma). It will never cease to amaze me how much it takes to raise kids. The demands are literally never ending. Emma aka Sponge Em Square Head has grown up into quite the character. I see elements of my sis’ personality all over her. I love that baby. Now I’ll probably have kid songs stuck in my head for weeks and no one to sing them to that will enjoy them as much as she does.
In brief, this week consisted going to Pasadena, Claremont, Laguna Beach, Monrovia, Downtown LA, Hollywood, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Santa Monica (twice), and Pomona. This included lots of walking, shopping, eating and Brent and I celebrating our ten year anniversary. We definitely packed in a lot of activities and hang time with family that’s here in West Covina/Covina. Every family’s dynamics are interesting. Between mine and Jeremy’s (my sis’ husband) family, there are all sorts of quirks, issues, frustrations, commonalities and differences. It certainly made for an interesting week. I feel blessed to have the family that I do and I never thought that moving to Cali would make us closer to Jeremy’s family but that has been an added Godsend.
Many thanks to Megan who on short notice was able to schedule and take some great pics of all us gals (sadly minus Patti).
On an unrelated note, we want to go watch Lady In The Water which opens this weekend so if any of you folks around here are interested in going let us know.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
It's Not Gross To Pick Tartar From Your Dog's Teeth With Your Fingernail So Long As You Wash Your Hands Afterward
As I was reminiscing earlier this week with Brent, I began to realize something interesting about my memories. In this case, I was trying to recollect specific incidents from a general statement made about a sour love I had as a teenager. I knew the reality of this past relationship; it was very bad, very destructive. I struggled to come up with details regarding this reality. After going to the depths to recall, I could remember some of the significant ills done against me but my own transgressions were not as apparent. Yet, I know that I was an instigator and aggressor at times. So have I blocked out the nasty things I was capable of doing to another? Selective. Am I trying to paint myself in my own mind as better than I actually am? I'd say, probably, yes. In all honesty, I know my talent for having a sharp tongue, knowing exactly what to say to make it hurt. I used to be proud of it. Ironically, I do remember saying something hateful to Brent in high school while we were friends in Arts and Crafts class. I attribute the recollection to him reminding me of this incident when we hooked up a few years later. Anyway, it still remains, selective memories make me uncomfortable.
This realization has furthered my desire for objectivity. Whether it be about myself, others, God, experiences, I want to see things for how they really are. I desire the impossible which drives me mad. Good memories, bad memories, recent experiences, all these are skewed. Is objectivity really necessary? Man, I don't know but I'd like it.
Even if I can't remember and view things as I want, there are a few things I know. Had I not experienced the bad relationship, I would not have realized as readily (especially at such a young age) when the right guy came my way. (We'll celebrate a decade this week.) Through maturity and forging healthier relationships with others and God, the nasty tongue stays at bay (for the most part).
In my opinion, here's an illustration of idealistic young love:
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood 1
This realization has furthered my desire for objectivity. Whether it be about myself, others, God, experiences, I want to see things for how they really are. I desire the impossible which drives me mad. Good memories, bad memories, recent experiences, all these are skewed. Is objectivity really necessary? Man, I don't know but I'd like it.
Even if I can't remember and view things as I want, there are a few things I know. Had I not experienced the bad relationship, I would not have realized as readily (especially at such a young age) when the right guy came my way. (We'll celebrate a decade this week.) Through maturity and forging healthier relationships with others and God, the nasty tongue stays at bay (for the most part).
In my opinion, here's an illustration of idealistic young love:
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood 1
Monday, July 03, 2006
Not Funny Ha Ha, Funny Burble Burble
So my sis, 8 mo. old niece, mum and sis' mom-in-law will be in town a week from today. I figured this would be a good place to start a working list of stuff I want to do with them. I need help from you Calis and beyond with ideas/suggestions. Since I'm kid illiterate, I certainly could use some help with good places to take a tyke.
- Beach, beach and beach (Santa Monica, Venice, Huntington, Laguna, etc)
- Third Street Promenade
- Victoria Gardens, Rancho Cucamonga
- Pasadena (Panda Inn, Father Nature's Lavish Wraps, Old Town, Paseo, Peet's Coffee)
- Pink's Hot Dogs
- La Luz de Jesus
- Hollywood Farmer's Market
- Descanso Gardens
- The Standard
- Shopping on Melrose
- Elixir Tonics and Teas
- Father's Office, Santa Monica
- Glendora Farmer's Market, Sat. evening for foodage and so Brent can check out a demo from Golden Paints at an art store in Glendora
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Bugs are My Enemy But Not The Ones That Live On And In My Body Keeping Me Healthy

So, I checked out Superman Returns in IMAX with a little 3D action to boot. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. It was pretty much what I expected. I used to watch the old Superman films when I was a wee tot so it was nice to see this upgraded remake. From the opening credits to the story lines to the dude playing Superman with the cute curly strand of hair to the reuse of old footage and lines, the similarities to the other films was rampant.
There did seem to be more emphasis on recurrent use of mythological and religious language and imagery (but maybe I was too young to realize their use before). Not being into the comics either, I'm sure this is where these concepts were born anyway. So to name a few of these religious (particularly Christian overtones) there's Superman as savior ("I have sent them, you my only son"), as humanity's model for goodness ("the light to show them the way") and a resurrection. There is also the repetitious use of, "the father becomes the son, the son becomes the father" which at this point I'm not interpreting anything further than a familial legacy being carried out. My theology source told me that if viewed in Christian terms it could be a reference to modalism (the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different modes or aspects of one God, rather than three distinct persons). This idea doesn't seem to fit but it's an interesting concept (outside of Superman, I mean).
Despite the film's utter fiction, logical flaws still bother me. So when the power goes out, there is such a cosmic surge that even batteries and emergency back-ups don't work but when the power does return all computers and systems return to the exact state they were in before the outage? Wow.
And I want one of those cell phone cameras that take beautifully detailed pictures.
A radar that detects Superman, what's this dude made out of?
The characters' inability to figure out the Clark Kent/Superman correlation is pretty comical, too. Need a good disguise? Just get some glasses and act like a dork and you're all set.
And finally. The 3D was sort of cool but the taking the glasses on and off got a little old. The best was the 3D farm. Nothing enhances the movie experience more than a multi-dimensional goat and corn.
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