So, I checked out Superman Returns in IMAX with a little 3D action to boot. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. It was pretty much what I expected. I used to watch the old Superman films when I was a wee tot so it was nice to see this upgraded remake. From the opening credits to the story lines to the dude playing Superman with the cute curly strand of hair to the reuse of old footage and lines, the similarities to the other films was rampant.
There did seem to be more emphasis on recurrent use of mythological and religious language and imagery (but maybe I was too young to realize their use before). Not being into the comics either, I'm sure this is where these concepts were born anyway. So to name a few of these religious (particularly Christian overtones) there's Superman as savior ("I have sent them, you my only son"), as humanity's model for goodness ("the light to show them the way") and a resurrection. There is also the repetitious use of, "the father becomes the son, the son becomes the father" which at this point I'm not interpreting anything further than a familial legacy being carried out. My theology source told me that if viewed in Christian terms it could be a reference to modalism (the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different modes or aspects of one God, rather than three distinct persons). This idea doesn't seem to fit but it's an interesting concept (outside of Superman, I mean).
Despite the film's utter fiction, logical flaws still bother me. So when the power goes out, there is such a cosmic surge that even batteries and emergency back-ups don't work but when the power does return all computers and systems return to the exact state they were in before the outage? Wow.
And I want one of those cell phone cameras that take beautifully detailed pictures.
A radar that detects Superman, what's this dude made out of?
The characters' inability to figure out the Clark Kent/Superman correlation is pretty comical, too. Need a good disguise? Just get some glasses and act like a dork and you're all set.
And finally. The 3D was sort of cool but the taking the glasses on and off got a little old. The best was the 3D farm. Nothing enhances the movie experience more than a multi-dimensional goat and corn.
I so wish I could have gone!!!
Okay. I agree with you on everything except 1 thing...the Clark Kent/Superman hidden identity thing. One day this year i wore glasses to work instead of contacts. Nobody recognized me!
What? Yeah, I work with eight year olds, so what?
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