After being a Rilo Kiley fan for several years now, I have no explanation as to why I waited so long to get the lead singer's solo album when it was released earlier this year. Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins' album Rabbit Fur Coat is deep, haunting, moving, honest. It's makes me realize why I love music.
Though I consider myself to be a feminist, ironically, I generally am not into girl singers. I attribute this to the content and mostly annoying, overdone sound of most female vocalists but this gal is no doubt an exception. From tension with God to the reality of humanity to love to family to life experience to philosophy, the depth and variety in which Lewis writes is impressive. This album has a definite old country yet alternative feel. I totally dig the Traveling Wilburys' cover of "Handle With Care" and the Ben Gibbard, Conor Oberst cameos make it even better. Anyway, enough of my lame album review. I just wanted to rant about some good music.
Here is a performance of "The Big Guns" from Dave Letterman in March. I'd like to hear some opinions and interpretations of the song. Who/what are the "Big Guns"? What is she fighting or advocating? I've got a few vague ideas.
For the few of you who have not heard this, enjoy.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Mmmm...Asparagus, Round Two
I took a break today from the seemingly endless and fruitless internet job searching and application filling which has become my daily routine. Brent was off, it was warm, so we loaded up the bike and longboard then promptly headed to Santa Monica. We stopped at Bergamot Station first to check out some art and visit the Copro Nason Gallery which Brent was interested in. I got out of the car and happily noticed a Space Invaders "tag." I'm not into graffiti like Brent but I really dig this guy's stuff.
We actually got to meet and talk with Nathan Spoor who was one of the artists showing their work at the Corpo Nason Gallery. He was a really nice guy that was more than willing to discuss intents and interpretations of his works. Really interesting stuff.
After art perusing, we parked near beach in Santa Monica and rode the ocean front walk (ironic) down to Venice to have lunch at the small but tasty Abbot's Pizza Company. During the course of waiting for our food at an outside table, we were approached by a very dirty, babbling homeless fellow who wanted "a buck for a Pepsi." I told him I would go buy him a drink (call me a skeptic but I never believe the many reasons I hear these folks giving for wanting an extra buck). As I waited inside the pizza place for the drink, Brent listened to the man ramble incoherently about Vietnam and passing tests with "flying colors." He was appreciative for the drink and I was glad he decided not to stick around and chat. I have a very low bum comfort level but I don't want to treat them as sub-human either (though most of the time I do).

So after our yummy pizza we headed back to the beach. On our way, we walked past some massive banana trees. I've seen them before but they were much smaller and never with buds or fruit on them. I was fascinated.
As we were nearing Venice Beach, we saw this odd building. I can deal with gargoyles but I don't know if I could sleep if I knew there was a skeleton, muscle man with arrows statue above my head.
Venice Beach was hopping with a skateboard demo. Even the skateboarding English bulldog was there! We watched for a while then headed back to Santa Monica for some beach
No trip to SM would be complete without going to the promenade and visiting Kid Robot. So now there is one more toy/collectible/figure, I don't know, just some extra thing on the shelf to dust. But, it certainly makes Brent happy.
My chocolate craving lead me to the English shop for a Crunchie bar and in looking around I noticed they have pickled onion flavored Walker's Crisps(potato chips). Wow, that sounds disgusting so further investigation lead me to realize they have other fantastical flavors (besides the typical English favs): tomato ketchup, prawn cocktail, lamb mint, marmite(what the hell is that), roast chicken, smoky bacon (oh, bacon). How odd, yet I would probably try every one of them if they were offered to me. Well, that's the fascinating end to today's beach adventure. It had a strong start but petered out toward the end.
Definitely bedtime.

After art perusing, we parked near beach in Santa Monica and rode the ocean front walk (ironic) down to Venice to have lunch at the small but tasty Abbot's Pizza Company. During the course of waiting for our food at an outside table, we were approached by a very dirty, babbling homeless fellow who wanted "a buck for a Pepsi." I told him I would go buy him a drink (call me a skeptic but I never believe the many reasons I hear these folks giving for wanting an extra buck). As I waited inside the pizza place for the drink, Brent listened to the man ramble incoherently about Vietnam and passing tests with "flying colors." He was appreciative for the drink and I was glad he decided not to stick around and chat. I have a very low bum comfort level but I don't want to treat them as sub-human either (though most of the time I do).

So after our yummy pizza we headed back to the beach. On our way, we walked past some massive banana trees. I've seen them before but they were much smaller and never with buds or fruit on them. I was fascinated.
As we were nearing Venice Beach, we saw this odd building. I can deal with gargoyles but I don't know if I could sleep if I knew there was a skeleton, muscle man with arrows statue above my head.

No trip to SM would be complete without going to the promenade and visiting Kid Robot. So now there is one more toy/collectible/figure, I don't know, just some extra thing on the shelf to dust. But, it certainly makes Brent happy.
My chocolate craving lead me to the English shop for a Crunchie bar and in looking around I noticed they have pickled onion flavored Walker's Crisps(potato chips). Wow, that sounds disgusting so further investigation lead me to realize they have other fantastical flavors (besides the typical English favs): tomato ketchup, prawn cocktail, lamb mint, marmite(what the hell is that), roast chicken, smoky bacon (oh, bacon). How odd, yet I would probably try every one of them if they were offered to me. Well, that's the fascinating end to today's beach adventure. It had a strong start but petered out toward the end.
Definitely bedtime.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I'm Here To Be Served

There were some interesting sights at the chalk festival. A pretty good variety on all levels, I suppose. I still think Brent should have totally applied to be in it. He would have been an asset. It was nice to go there with three couples from bible study. The dinner fiasco sucked. I’m amazed at the level of apathetic customer service I’ve experienced around here. The Island’s in Pasadena has officially been banned.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Deodorant Sucks, It's Messy and Doesn't Work When You Need It To

The Pasadena Chalk Festival is this weekend. We pretty much stumbled into this last year while hanging in Pasadena. It is very interesting seeing the variety of art and watching the works in progress, techniques used, etc. I got the picture shown from this flickr site. I really liked this piece done last year. It ended up being much bigger and the artist(s) used a consistent color scheme that made the work look really cool. As much as Brent likes to tag up our hood with his art, he should have applied to be a part of this. Maybe I can convince him to be the vigilante participant, it would be fitting considering his inspiration.
Since it tends to get crowded (ok, I know, when is it not) we'll probably go to it Sat night. So if any of you Calis who actually read this are interested in going with, let us know. I'm sure we'll be dining somewhere as well. M&S won out on computer day so I'll probably be craving the Panda but then again there are several second story restaurants at Paseo that overlook the main promenade area where you can watch the artists work while eating. Fun times.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Gratuitous Use of Prepositions is Fun Because Sentences can Last Forever If You Keep Using Them
Another week with not much to show for it except I have become a very diligent blog commenter. What an accomplishment!
At this point, I can say the sometimes all too dirty Cali air is getting to me. I've been sickly all week with allergy, throat, mucus, asthma funk. I woke up at 6 this morning and proceeded to cough, hack, snot, weeze and groan for about an hour. When I did go back to sleep and woke up too late again, my head did not feel so great, like something might have exploded during all the coughing. Anyway, enough bitching I'm really just being a baby.
I think today is new computer day which is exciting. I still have to look some stuff up to further justify the purchase I already know we'll make because I am super anal, make sure I get the best bang for my buck kind of girl, but ultimately I think we'll end up at the apple store in Pasadena later. You know I used to be all over mail ordering but just about everything comes from here which means sales tax + shipping. The super thrifty anal gal in me rejects this concept entirely.
The impending outing to Pasadena of course makes me think of food. Will it be McCormick & Schmick's for their rocking happy hour food and lemon drop martinis (Kyle, this is the place with the super good fresh lemonade) or will it be Panda Inn for some yummy asian food (sweet & pungent chicken with house ginger ale)? Computers and food, I'm way too much of a spoiled American.
I need to find more interesting things to talk about. I'm boring myself.
Side note: I put a different link for Eddie's blog. He said he would also start posting back on his blogspot since I complained about not being able to post stuff on Xanga. So harass Eddie when you get the chance.
At this point, I can say the sometimes all too dirty Cali air is getting to me. I've been sickly all week with allergy, throat, mucus, asthma funk. I woke up at 6 this morning and proceeded to cough, hack, snot, weeze and groan for about an hour. When I did go back to sleep and woke up too late again, my head did not feel so great, like something might have exploded during all the coughing. Anyway, enough bitching I'm really just being a baby.
I think today is new computer day which is exciting. I still have to look some stuff up to further justify the purchase I already know we'll make because I am super anal, make sure I get the best bang for my buck kind of girl, but ultimately I think we'll end up at the apple store in Pasadena later. You know I used to be all over mail ordering but just about everything comes from here which means sales tax + shipping. The super thrifty anal gal in me rejects this concept entirely.
The impending outing to Pasadena of course makes me think of food. Will it be McCormick & Schmick's for their rocking happy hour food and lemon drop martinis (Kyle, this is the place with the super good fresh lemonade) or will it be Panda Inn for some yummy asian food (sweet & pungent chicken with house ginger ale)? Computers and food, I'm way too much of a spoiled American.
I need to find more interesting things to talk about. I'm boring myself.
Side note: I put a different link for Eddie's blog. He said he would also start posting back on his blogspot since I complained about not being able to post stuff on Xanga. So harass Eddie when you get the chance.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Plop, plop Fizz, fizz
We've been going to the same church for almost six months now. Sadly, (for those of you that know us well) that is a pretty good record. I have enjoyed the experience for the most part. As I have found with most churches we've been involved with, I enjoy the small group/bible study gathering more than I do the actual church service. I suppose I prefer the intimacy of group studies. Plus, my unceasing disdain for contemporary worship continues so anytime I'm not having to make a conscious effort to have a better attitude about church is a mental relief.
A few high-points/observations from church this week (with a focus in Matt. 4:18-22):
A few high-points/observations from church this week (with a focus in Matt. 4:18-22):
- Following Christ is a conscientious decision made daily. (working out salvation)
- Christ chose those who were socially unlikely to be his disciples.
- We should have an unceasing love for others.
- It is refreshing to see this church consistently practice several positive values like being welcoming to all, stressing individual worth/purpose in Christ, insighting personal change without passing judgment, and practicing scripture memorization as a group.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Umbrellas Can Double As Parasols When It's Really Sunny
So I was supposed to be on the big job hunt this week but here its Friday and still no promising prospects. I'll blame the holiday for the lack of progress. I did update my resume and I tried to contact a contract company I spoke with last year but I am still waiting for them to get back with me. I see travel in my future if I were to take a position with them so we'll see what happens. My ideal traveling job would include monthly week long trips to KC. I know, keep dreaming.
An interesting nugget, I got some paper work from the FAA this week about some technician jobs in Seattle and Auburn, WA. These were only inquiry letters wondering if and when I would be available for work should they offer me a position. I got these letters because I had updated my online application for electronics tech positions (basically what I did in OK) about a month ago. I figured it would be good to seek out other avenues of getting hired by the FAA while I'm waiting for the whole controller thing to pan out but I really had not expected to hear anything from them. Since the Seattle area remains our top choice, Brent and I took it as encouragement especially since I had put like eight different cities I would be willing to work in KS, MO, CA, and WA. This may amount to absolutely nothing but it is an interesting possibility all the same.
It has been relatively hot to us Calis in the valleys the last few days so it is time for a beach outing. Any excuse to go to the beach is a good one for me. Brent is off tomorrow so it sounds like a plan. Against my better judgment, I decided I want a golden tan this year. I can try to forget about wrinkles and cancer while my skin cooks.
An interesting nugget, I got some paper work from the FAA this week about some technician jobs in Seattle and Auburn, WA. These were only inquiry letters wondering if and when I would be available for work should they offer me a position. I got these letters because I had updated my online application for electronics tech positions (basically what I did in OK) about a month ago. I figured it would be good to seek out other avenues of getting hired by the FAA while I'm waiting for the whole controller thing to pan out but I really had not expected to hear anything from them. Since the Seattle area remains our top choice, Brent and I took it as encouragement especially since I had put like eight different cities I would be willing to work in KS, MO, CA, and WA. This may amount to absolutely nothing but it is an interesting possibility all the same.
It has been relatively hot to us Calis in the valleys the last few days so it is time for a beach outing. Any excuse to go to the beach is a good one for me. Brent is off tomorrow so it sounds like a plan. Against my better judgment, I decided I want a golden tan this year. I can try to forget about wrinkles and cancer while my skin cooks.
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