Friday, June 02, 2006

Umbrellas Can Double As Parasols When It's Really Sunny

So I was supposed to be on the big job hunt this week but here its Friday and still no promising prospects. I'll blame the holiday for the lack of progress. I did update my resume and I tried to contact a contract company I spoke with last year but I am still waiting for them to get back with me. I see travel in my future if I were to take a position with them so we'll see what happens. My ideal traveling job would include monthly week long trips to KC. I know, keep dreaming.

An interesting nugget, I got some paper work from the FAA this week about some technician jobs in Seattle and Auburn, WA. These were only inquiry letters wondering if and when I would be available for work should they offer me a position. I got these letters because I had updated my online application for electronics tech positions (basically what I did in OK) about a month ago. I figured it would be good to seek out other avenues of getting hired by the FAA while I'm waiting for the whole controller thing to pan out but I really had not expected to hear anything from them. Since the Seattle area remains our top choice, Brent and I took it as encouragement especially since I had put like eight different cities I would be willing to work in KS, MO, CA, and WA. This may amount to absolutely nothing but it is an interesting possibility all the same.

It has been relatively hot to us Calis in the valleys the last few days so it is time for a beach outing. Any excuse to go to the beach is a good one for me. Brent is off tomorrow so it sounds like a plan. Against my better judgment, I decided I want a golden tan this year. I can try to forget about wrinkles and cancer while my skin cooks.

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