The Pasadena Chalk Festival is this weekend. We pretty much stumbled into this last year while hanging in Pasadena. It is very interesting seeing the variety of art and watching the works in progress, techniques used, etc. I got the picture shown from this flickr site. I really liked this piece done last year. It ended up being much bigger and the artist(s) used a consistent color scheme that made the work look really cool. As much as Brent likes to tag up our hood with his art, he should have applied to be a part of this. Maybe I can convince him to be the vigilante participant, it would be fitting considering his inspiration.
Since it tends to get crowded (ok, I know, when is it not) we'll probably go to it Sat night. So if any of you Calis who actually read this are interested in going with, let us know. I'm sure we'll be dining somewhere as well. M&S won out on computer day so I'll probably be craving the Panda but then again there are several second story restaurants at Paseo that overlook the main promenade area where you can watch the artists work while eating. Fun times.
In order to write a blog does the title have to have nothing to do with the body?
I am off on Saturday, sound like it could be fun. We'll talk details.
Re:titles. At this point, yes, it allows me to say some random things I experience or thought but not enough info there to blog about. They'd lose any remnant of appeal once the story was revealed anyway. What's the point of these titles, I mean is it really necessary to prepare the reader for what they're about to get anyway? I'd rather kill two birds.
I'm glad you guys are thinking about going. We'll talk about it with everyone Thurs and work it out then.
I hate the subject line - It's not like it's a teaser to draw people in. They are already there and will read it despite the title.
Have fun this weekend! Sad face. I wish I could come along.
The chalk thing sounds really cool! We would love to go BUT (don't be jealous) we'll be at a family reunion. My cousin from Oregon just graduated high school and wanted to go to Disneyland. I think I'd rather be hanging out with friends in Pasadena. Have fun!
A couple of years ago SONIC and Barkley sponsored the KC La Strada dell'Arte sidewalk chalk drawing festival at Union Station. Robbie and I had our own 14x14 square. He signed up through Barkley so our drawing had to be related to one of their clients. We did the Kansas State lottery. Our picture was of a large stylized tornado on the plains of Kansas with red lottery balls flying through the air.
The weather that day was gorgeous and so many of the professional chalk artist drawings were even more so. I really loved being outside making art - I can see why Brent is taking advantage of the CA weather.
Have a great time!
Christie-I wish you could come along too. There's lots of fun stuff we'd be running around doing if you were around.
Carrie-Sorry you guys can't come but at least you're going somewhere halfway fun. You could be hanging out with your family at a dirty lake in 1000 degree weather watching people noodle for catfish.
Catie-That's really cool you guys did that. I'd like to see a pic of your drawing if you have one.
Some artists do make some phenominal pieces. It almost is sad that it's temporary. I'll actually take my own photos this year. I decided I need to get back into photography.
I love the title!
Jim and I will be there as long as we can get sitting. I would like to enjoy the night with friends and not be distracted by chasing my children around... and lets face it, they will want to lay in the chalk and get it all over them :)....
A deodrant story...
Have you ever put deodrant on one arm pit only (forgetting the other side) and then getting BO on the side you forgot?
Not me :)
You're right. Disneyland is a fun place. My attitude could use a bit of an adjustment. We just really want to hang out with you guys sometime. Wanna go camping? On a side note, my deodorant is all over my shirt right now. Eeeeew. Happy chalk photographing!
Stef-You're funny and yes I have done the one pit forget, not good. Both pits, even worse. Hope to see you in Pasadena.
Carrie-Yes, camping would be fun. We'll have to work something out. Have good times at Disneyland. Hopefully, it won't be too hot. I still have yet to solve the dark shirt deodorant dilemma. There has to be some secrets that I'm not privy to.
I would love to get a camping trip set!! Lets do it!
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