After art perusing, we parked near beach in Santa Monica and rode the ocean front walk (ironic) down to Venice to have lunch at the small but tasty Abbot's Pizza Company. During the course of waiting for our food at an outside table, we were approached by a very dirty, babbling homeless fellow who wanted "a buck for a Pepsi." I told him I would go buy him a drink (call me a skeptic but I never believe the many reasons I hear these folks giving for wanting an extra buck). As I waited inside the pizza place for the drink, Brent listened to the man ramble incoherently about Vietnam and passing tests with "flying colors." He was appreciative for the drink and I was glad he decided not to stick around and chat. I have a very low bum comfort level but I don't want to treat them as sub-human either (though most of the time I do).

So after our yummy pizza we headed back to the beach. On our way, we walked past some massive banana trees. I've seen them before but they were much smaller and never with buds or fruit on them. I was fascinated.
As we were nearing Venice Beach, we saw this odd building. I can deal with gargoyles but I don't know if I could sleep if I knew there was a skeleton, muscle man with arrows statue above my head.

No trip to SM would be complete without going to the promenade and visiting Kid Robot. So now there is one more toy/collectible/figure, I don't know, just some extra thing on the shelf to dust. But, it certainly makes Brent happy.
My chocolate craving lead me to the English shop for a Crunchie bar and in looking around I noticed they have pickled onion flavored Walker's Crisps(potato chips). Wow, that sounds disgusting so further investigation lead me to realize they have other fantastical flavors (besides the typical English favs): tomato ketchup, prawn cocktail, lamb mint, marmite(what the hell is that), roast chicken, smoky bacon (oh, bacon). How odd, yet I would probably try every one of them if they were offered to me. Well, that's the fascinating end to today's beach adventure. It had a strong start but petered out toward the end.
Definitely bedtime.
sounds like a fun day! oh to have a beach, or a skateboarding bulldog or banana trees (how cool is that?) to visit.
i do have peach trees. suck. i bet you have those too.
sorry about the job hunt...hang in there.
i used to love asparagus. but a couple of months ago i had some for dinner and that night had the "stomach bug from hell." i will never eat asparagus again. never. and it makes me sad because it's such a good veggie.
was this too much info?
Sorry to hear that the job hunt is becoming no interesting :)....
WOw... I am jeolous to have the time off to enjoy with your man!!! How cool... sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Good job with the homeless dude!! :)
Christie-I can only handle so much asparagus. That would be a bad thing to get sick on. It's funny how we ban food due to getting sick. One of mine is the Big Mac, never again. McD's is gross anyway.
Stef-I think my "homeless deed" was negated by the fact I hit a sleeping homeless dude's foot with my bike pedal when I walked by him.
I have so many comments, I fear this will be dizzying! My "comment" may be more like an entry. Here is my attempt at keeping it brief. 1) Bummer about the job thing. I've been praying. On the positive side, though, you couldn't go for such interesting outings if you had a job. 2) I love pizza. I don't have anything more to say about that. I just love it, that's all. 3) I'm 100% with you on every point you made about the homeless guy. Skeptical of his needing a buck, low comfort level, treating them differently regardless of my intentions, etc. Good job buying him a drink. 4) What was in that building? Freaky freaks in Venice beach! 5)I don't know anything about Kid Robot. 6) I got really excited to read about your visit to the English store. Kenya is still strongly influenced by England since it was a British colony. So a) I LOVE crunchie bars! b) I have tried a few of those flavors of crisps (pickled onion, salt and vinegar, and ketchup.) c) Marmite as crisps? Marmite is NASTY! I've had it and can't acquire a taste for it. Okay, I think I've filled more than my fair share of space on your blog comments. See ya tonight? ~Carrie
Ahh the horrors of job hunting!
(I know you will find the right job at the right time.)
Ahh the horrors of homeless crazies!
(I have a crazy begger that asks me for a "Down payment on a cheeseburger" everytime I see him. Sometimes more that once a day. I have had words with this guy.)
Ahh the horrors of McDonalds!
(I ate McDonalds so much at one point in my life it started to make me sick, I have been off it for going on 8 years now.)
What scandelous comment has been censored by the man?
How did we miss the SM invite? Degraded to chalk art drawn by 9 y/o's and banishment from Islands, oh the shame!
You seem to hold Fudruckers and Island on a higher plane than McDonalds. Aren't they both the same in the end - literally? Surely Eddie would agree that McDonalds is a fine example of capitalism at work.
Carrie- Thanks for the prayers and encouragement. I realize I need to stop being so picky with my job selection. I’ll just have to “settle” for something outside the FAA realm for now and just maintain my contacts through other means.
Yes, once I start working I will inevitably have to deal with the reality of conflicting days off hence less outings.
Thanks for the marmite education. I love to try new things but this does not top my list. I’m glad you got exposure to British fare but as you know with the yummy comes the gross (like blood pudding). There’s no denying Crunchies rock! We’ll have to go out to an authentic English pub or tearoom sometime (well, as authentic as they get around here).
Robbie- I know you empathize with the job hunting fiasco. I’m glad you’ve had such good feedback. I’m trying to stay positive.
I wonder what your homeless guy would do if you just gave him a cheeseburger. He’d probably get pissed. I'd like to hear about your interaction with him.
Good for you and the permanent Mickey D hiatus. I poop on and toward the golden arches.
Kyle- Nothing scandalous, just some crappy advert. No, I don’t care to get my blog more exposure by going to some weird person’s website.
We’ll keep you in mind for the next beach outing. Deanne needs to experience Venice Beach for sure.
Uh, I don’t know if you’re kidding or not about putting McGross on the same plane as other much better burger joints. If you’re serious, I figure you either have no taste buds or you like the taste of freeze-dried, whatever-kind-of-meat-that-is food. The doodie factor is not a deterrent for good taste.
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