Dit, dit, dit, dit, ma, ma, ma, ma, I got a job! Finally. I had an interview the week before last and got a call on the following Friday with a verbal offer. After turning in some paper work and a specimen donation, I will hopefully get word on an actual start date soon. I’ll be working as a Senior Electronics Tech on in-flight entertainment systems. The work looks interesting and it will be nice to be somewhere that’s developing new technologies. I am definitely looking forward to being gainfully employed once again. I have enjoyed parts of my unemployment year but ultimately I am the type of person that likes and needs to work. Sadly, I don’t do well with idle time so this transition back to full time work will be good on many levels.
There is so much still up in the air that life is very day to day for us. Who knows where we will end up. Brent turned his app in to Fuller so hopefully he’ll be starting school soon. We'll be flying to KC at the end of Sept so we are looking forward to visiting distant relatives, family and friends.

I know once we leave here I will miss our Covina family. Patti just gave me this awesome quilt she made as a graduation present. Jeremy’s got the greatest family here. They adopted us from our first visit here as we were frantically trying to find somewhere to live within a week. I’ve been so grateful to them for so many things.
On an unrelated note, I rented a few movies the other day. Cache (French for Hidden but I’m sure Catie knew that) is about this family who receives video tapes of their house and other things as if they are under surveillance. It was a kinda thriller, a little slow moving and had some extended tonal shots. I enjoyed it though for the very reasons I prefer foreign and independent films. It wasn’t cliche, it dealt with deeper issues like trust, conscience, and ramifications. The other movie , Syriana, I plan to watch this afternoon.
WOO HOO!! Congratulations on your job! Can't wait to hear more about it.
Here I am...Where have you been?
Again... Congrats on the job. I know you were getting frustrated with not having heard anything.
I want to see Cache, I remember the trailer and it looked pretty good. I am sure I will check it out. Syriana was a really good movie. It to is slow in some parts, but it keeps your attention. It is a very complex movie that you have to pay attention to.
Congrats... I am so excited for you... I can completely understand feeling idle and bored... needing to do something! This is the Tuscan job?
Way to go Wis! The KC Krew (notice, I used a "K" for the word crew) is happy for you (oh, goodness, that rhymed.)
BUT (and it's a big one)
The Olathe job would've been a very nice one too.
Or, a job at the zoo.
(Sorry, it's very, very early here.)
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